The Disciplined Person | Why Self Discipline is Important and How to be More Disciplined

The Disciplined Person | Why Self Discipline is Important and How to be More Disciplined

Luke Feldbrugge

A disciplined person follows rules and practices a standard set of behaviors that allows them to maintain self-control and the ability to efficiently define, actively pursue and successfully achieve their goals. This post will focus more on what it means to be self disciplined; having the will power to maintain your defined principals and standard behaviors, and tips on how to be more disciplined if you’re looking to kick it up a notch.

What Does it Mean to be a Disciplined Person?

Merriam-Webster's DISCIPLINED definition (adjective for a person) is: marked by or possessing discipline; self-control, orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior.

True Mydentity prefers to add some flavor to that meaning of disciplined.

A highly disciplined person like yourself follows a framework of rules. This framework is built upon your preferred standards of conduct and personal beliefs; which guide how you choose to behave and live your life. You also have strong integrity and are willing to make sacrifices if it means upholding your principles. Because of your standards, there are typically expectations to behave a certain way or to achieve a defined level of accomplishment. This often leads to a determined commitment toward specifically defining, actively pursuing and achieving your goals. Holding yourself responsible and accountable for your decisions and actions.

The disciplined person prefers to be in control of their own situation. When in control, it is easier to apply your own set of rules and adhere to your own beliefs. Like most people, this helps you to feel more comfortable. It allows you to operate and function more efficiently within your own familiar construct of rules and expected behavior. Being in control often provides you with confidence, allowing you to feel more capable of achieving your goals and delivering upon preset expectations.

Being disciplined often means you are organized and trying to improve efficiency. You keep things clean, and likely follow a cleaning routine or schedule. Everything has a defined location so you know where to go and find it when you need it. Spending your valuable time trying to find something is highly inefficient. This also means you are probably really good at prioritizing your tasks and managing your time (and other friends or family members time) efficiently.

Complete our questionnaire and find out if being disciplined is one of your most dominant character traits, and which of the other 58 traits are also your most powerful qualities.

10 Positive Characteristics of the Disciplined Person

  1. CONFIDENT - The disciplined person is often self-aware with a good understanding of their abilities, and will often look for ways to improve themselves to reach their full potential.
  2. DECISIVE - The disciplined person prefers to be in control and will typically not hesitate to call the shots.
  3. DETERMINED - The self disciplined person sets goals, pursues them and achieves them. They will not compromise their standards or beliefs to do so, but otherwise willingly make sacrifices to achieve their goals.
  4. FOCUSED - Because the disciplined individual maintains a defined framework of rules and preferred behaviors, efficiently optimized to use for achieving their goals, they can focus on these select criteria and not allow distractions to misdirect them.
  5. INDEPENDENT - Disciplined people are often pretty self-sufficient and prefer to manage their daily routines and priorities independently if possible. This allows for more control.
  6. MOTIVATED - The disciplined person is motivated by their beliefs, and achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves. This likely includes how they support family members, friends and other people in their life.
  7. ORGANIZED - The disciplined person has defined a set of rules (beliefs or standards) they follow, that they believe will help them to efficiently achieve their goals. Keeping things organized helps to maintain that efficiency.
  8. RESILIENT - The disciplined person has extraordinary self-control, they are focused on achieving their goals, and believe they are responsible for what they can accomplish; so they are often resilient and persevere when challenges arise.
  9. RESPONSIBLE - They take responsibility for their actions and hold themselves accountable for their choices as they navigate their own life’s experiences.
  10. STEADFAST - The disciplined person stands for their beliefs. They understand what it takes to achieve their goals, so they are often steadfast in upholding their principles.

Why is Self Discipline Important?

Self discipline can sound like a negative thing to some people if it seems like it would be confining, limiting, or boring. But practicing self discipline in your life can have a positive impact on your health and overall well-being. It can help you to become more aware of yourself, your abilities, and provide you with a sense of confidence and accomplishment. Here are some reasons why self discipline can be important:

  1. Achieve Goals: Self-discipline helps you set, pursue and achieve your goals. It provides you with the determination and focus needed to overcome obstacles and distractions. This builds your confidence, helps you to learn your limits, and understand your abilities.
  2. Improve Decision-Making: Self-discipline allows you to prioritize acquiring the information to make a thoughtful, well-considered decision that best achieves your desired outcome. It helps stop you from making impulse decisions you may regret later.
  3. Improve Efficiency: Self-discipline can help you manage your time and plan more effectively, allowing you to set attainable goals and accomplish them efficiently.
  4. Resilience and Perseverance: Self-discipline helps individuals bounce back from setbacks and keep working towards their goals.
  5. Improve Relationships: Self-discipline can help you maintain healthy relationships by allowing you to better control your emotions and how you respond to another person's words or actions.
  6. Mental and Physical Health: Having the self-discipline to establish and maintain healthy eating habits and a regular exercise routine can help to keep your mind sharp and your body in shape to help achieve your goals.
  7. Offers Purpose: Your self-discipline provides direction and a sense of purpose. There are reasons why you have set your goals. Self-discipline provides the guard rails to keep you focused on why they are important to you (and likely others) and why you must achieve them.

7 Tips on How to be More Disciplined

If you’re looking to be more disciplined, and want to prioritize your own goals and future ambitions, here are some helpful tips on how to be more disciplined in how you approach things in your life.

  1. Define Clear Goals: Determine what it is you want. Clearly define it and write it down. Attempt to answer who, what, where, when, why in a brief statement. Be sure to word it as an action item using verbs. Put yourself in control, note yourself as the responsible party, and make the goal attainable.
  2. Make a Plan: Once you’ve clearly defined your goal, then build out the how, meaning lay out the action plan including the specific steps and commitments you will make to reach your goal.
  3. Practice Prioritization: Focus on the most important tasks first, then make sure to accomplish the initial to-dos of multi-step projects where one task is dependent on the completion of another.
  4. Practice Self-Control: Remove any temptations or distractions that may get in the way of achieving your goal. If one day your self-control is lacking in the control department, and you slip, regain your self-control and try again. Keep your eye on the goal.
  5. Manage Your Time: Time is your most valuable non-renewable resource. Use it to create the life you want. Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year can be used efficiently to execute your plan, achieve your goals and build what you want. Time block your calendar. Make time for things you want to do or things you want to accomplish (if you do not use a calendar, start there first). The Pomodoro Technique is a highly effective way to practice time management. For specific projects, create a timeline and apply desired due dates for important tasks.
  6. Accountability Buddy: Invite someone you admire, who you trust, a little bit further into your world. Share your goals with this person and ask that they help keep you on track. For this to work, they must have the courage and confidence to address something if they see disruptive patterns in your behavior or if there are obstacles getting in your way. If you try this technique, you will need to be honest with yourself (and them), open and receptive to their observations, and willing to consider and act on their feedback or recommendations.
  7. Establish Routines: Rinse and repeat. One of the best ways to maintain a certain level of discipline in your life is to create a habit, or a consistent routine that provides value, that benefits you, or challenges you to make incremental improvements over time; providing potential value in the future.

Disciplined - True Mydentity Style

True Mydentity offers designs on our clothes that highlight 58 positive character traits. The powerful disciplined trait is one of the 58 character traits featured. We believe if you know your dominant positive characteristics; focus on what you do to learn, work and build relationships using these dominant traits; you will feel more fulfilled and closer to your purpose. And as you improve upon leveraging these positive character traits in those three areas of your life; you move toward discovering your full potential.

If you are a disciplined person, make True Mydentity’s Disciplined apparel part of your character’s power suit; and be Disciplined.


Complete the True Mydentity questionnaire and find out which of the 58 traits are your most dominant.

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